February 25, 2010
Editor: Terrance S. Carter
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By Barry W. Kwasniewski*
In a judgment released on October 26,
2009 in Canada (Attorney General) v. Mowat,
the Federal Court of Appeal ruled on the contentious issue
concerning whether the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (hereinafter
the “CHRT”) had authority to make an award of legal costs
to a successful complainant under the Canadian Human
Rights Act
(the “Act”). The issue came by way of an appeal
by the Attorney General from a Federal Court decision which
upheld the CHRT’s determination that it did have authority
to award costs to a successful complainant, who had brought
a proceeding against her employer, the Canadian Forces,
for sexual harassment. The CHRT awarded the complainant
damages and $47,000.00 for legal costs.
The Federal Court of Appeal (the “FCA”)
determined that the CHRT does not have the authority to
make an award of costs under the Act. At issue in
Mowat was whether paragraph 53(2)(c) of the Act grants
the CHRT the jurisdiction to award legal costs to a successful
complainant. Paragraph 53(2)(c) provides as follows:
If at the conclusion of the inquiry the member or panel
finds that the complaint is substantiated, the member or
panel may, subject to section 54, make an order against
the person found to be engaging or to have engaged in the
discriminatory practice and include in the order any of
the following terms that the member or panel considers appropriate:
(c) that
the person compensate the victim for any or all of the wages
that the victim was deprived of and for any expenses
incurred by the victim as a result of the discriminatory
practice. [emphasis added]
Therefore, the question
for the court was, “does compensation for ‘any expenses
incurred by the victim as a result of the discriminatory
practice’ include payment of the victim’s legal costs in
relation to the hearing before the CHRT?”
The FCA determined that
the word “expenses” in paragraph 53(2) does not include
legal costs. The word “costs” is a legal term of art and
it is well established that the power to award “costs” must
be found in a statute. The Act does not expressly provide
that costs may be awarded. The FCA concluded that Parliament
did not intend to grant, and did not grant, to the CHRT
the power to award costs.
The FCA examined the human
rights legislation in the various provincial and territorial
jurisdictions. In many jurisdictions, specific provision
is made for costs, in addition to compensatory provisions
similar to paragraph 53(2) of the federal Act. The FCA reasoned,
therefore, that the compensatory provisions on their own
do not provide for legal costs. Like the federal jurisdiction,
the Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario
statutes do not expressly provide for costs. The FCA pointed
to jurisprudence in Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
where the courts have determined that absent express authorization
in the statute, no power to award costs exists.
The FCA also pointed out
that amendments to the Act regarding costs have been considered,
but not enacted. Also, express provision is made in the
Act for witness fees and the awarding of interest. Therefore,
if Parliament intended to grant the CHRT the authority to
award costs, it would have expressly provided for costs
in the Act.
The FCA addressed the argument
that to deny costs awards would result in many complainants
being denied access to justice. However, the FCA stated
that the issue of costs in human rights adjudication is
a policy matter best left to Parliament to decide, not the
CHRT or the courts.
As discussed by the FCA
in Mowat, the Ontario Human Rights Code
does not expressly authorize the Human Rights Tribunal
of Ontario to award costs. The Human Rights Code contains
a similar provision to paragraph 53(2) of the federal Act.
Paragraph 45.2(1)(1) provides as follows:
On an application under section 34, the Tribunal may make
one or more of the following orders if the Tribunal determines
that a party to the application has infringed a right under
Part I of another party to the application:
1. An
order directing the party who infringed the right to pay
monetary compensation to the party whose right was infringed
for loss arising out of the infringement, including compensation
for injury to dignity, feelings and self-respect.
In Ontario (Liquor Control Board)
v. Ontario (Ontario Human Rights Commission) (1988),
the court concluded that the power to order monetary compensation
was not an express provision for the award of costs to complainants
under the Code. Since the Ontario Code does
not contain an express grant of authority to award costs,
the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario also cannot award costs
to successful complainants. As discussed in Mowat,
costs can only be awarded in human rights proceedings where
the relevant human rights legislation so provides. For example,
the Alberta, Quebec, P.E.I. and Newfoundland statutes empower
their respective adjudicators to make any order as to costs
considered appropriate. In B.C., Manitoba, N.W.T., Nunavut
and the Yukon, costs can be awarded in certain limited circumstances.
Given the differing
statutory provisions in provinces and territories of Canada,
a successful complainant’s entitlement to be reimbursed
for legal costs will be dependent on the jurisdiction in
which the complaint is heard. Given the complexity of proceedings
before human rights tribunals, many complainants may not
be able to proceed with potentially meritorious complaints
if there is no chance their legal costs will be reimbursed,
even if they are successful. An application for leave to
appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada was filed on December
22, 2009, on behalf of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
*Barry W. Kwasniewski, B.B.A., LL.B., practices employment
law with Carters’ Ottawa office, and would like to thank
Heather Reardon, Student-at-Law, for her assistance in
preparing this bulletin.
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