Please find below a listing of materials that were made available
on our websites at, and
during the month of January, 2004. Click on these links to go
to one of our sites or on the links below to go straight to
an item of interest to you. Materials are often provided in
both web and PDF formats, see the note below on viewing PDFs.
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone (internal or
external to your organization) who might be interested.
- Update on Use of Relational Provisions by Ontario
Non-Share Capital Corporations
- Key Legal Responsibiliteis of Charities in Planned
- Selected Tax Aspects of Planned Giving
- New links added to
- Upcoming 2003 Annual Church & the Law Seminar
Printer friendly version at
Get on Our Mailing List: To automatically receive the
free monthly Charity Law Update, send an email to
with "Subscribe" in the subject line. Please feel
free to forward this Update to anyone (internal or external
to your organization) who may be interested in being put on
our monthly mailing list.
New Publications
"Update on Use of Relational Provisions by Ontario Non-Share
Capital Corporations" (Charity Law Bulletin No. 22, June
26th, 2003) by Jacqueline M. Connor and Terrance S. Carter.
Carter & Associates and Fasken Martineau Lawyers Consulting
Editors of "Charities Law, 2003/2004 Edition". Charity
lawyers Terrance S. Carter from the law firm of Carter and Associates
and Maria Elena Hoffstein and Adam M. Parachin from the affiliated
law firm of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP are Consulting Editors
of "Charities Law, 2003/2004 Edition", a one-stop
source for researching key Federal and Ontario statutes applicable
to charities. Copies can be obtained through Butterworths at
Donald J. Bourgeois, Counsel to Carter & Associates, is
author of "The Law of Charitable and Not-for-Profit Organizations
- 3rd Edition". This book provides an overview of the laws
governing charitable and not-for-profit organizations. Copies
can be obtained through Butterworths at
New links added to
- New links to International Resources
on anti-terrorism law regarding:
- the US "Patriot Act II",
- Amnesty USA,,
- the Financial Action Task Force,
- NGO Watch
In the Press
"U.K. anti-terrorism policy has implications for Canadian
charities" by Sean S. Carter
and R. Johanna Blom was published in The Lawyers Weekly, June
20, 2003.
The Lawyers Weekly coverage of Carter & Associates, "Small-town
firm has national reputation", June 13, 2003.
Recent Events and Presentation Materials
"Key Legal Responsibilities of Charities in Planned Giving"
presented by Terrance S. Carter at the Canadian Cancer Society
Professionals’ Seminar on Charitable Gifts, June 5th, 2003.
"Selected Tax Aspects of Planned Giving" presented
by Elena Hoffstein at the Canadian Cancer Society Professionals’
Seminar on Charitable Gifts, June 2003.
Upcoming Events and Presentations
"The 2003 Annual Church & the Law™ Seminar"
to be held on Wednesday, November 12th, 2003. Held every year
since 1994, The Annual Church & The Law™ Seminar is
designed to provide churches & religious charities with
practical information on current legal issues in order to assist
them in avoiding unnecessary exposure to legal liability. While
the topics presented are directed at churches & religious
charities, they also have general application to non-religious
charities and not-for-profit organizations. More than 560 people
attended the 2002 Church & The Law™ Seminar (
Registration details to follow.
"Anti-Terrorism Legislation in Canada" to be presented
by Terrance S. Carter at the SUMMER LAW INSTITUTE on Wednesday,
August 27, 2003. A program of the Ontario Justice Education
Network, this series is for High School Teachers only and is
being held at Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen St. W. in Toronto.
Presentation on "Employment Issues for Non-Profit Organizations"
to be presented by Mark J. Wong of Carter & Associates on
September 17th, 2003 for the non-profit communities of Peel,
Halton and Toronto. This Presentation is sponsored by the United
Way of Peel Region and is to be held at 5170 Dixie Road, Suite
300 in Mississauga, Ontario. For more information contact Ken
Auden at 905-602-3622 or
"Good Governance" to be presented by Donald J. Bourgeois
at the Manulife Sports Centre in Rim Park, Waterloo, on Saturday,
October 4th, 2003. This event is part of an all day workshop
put on by the Volunteer Centre for Kitchener Region designed
primarily for volunteer board directors and senior staff members
of charities and not-for-profit organizations. For more information
contact Robin Herrington at 519-742-8610 or
Space is limited.
"Recent Changes under the Income Tax Act Affecting Charities"
to be presented by Terrance S. Carter at the Law Society's 6th
Annual Estates and Trusts Forum being held on November 19th
& 20th, 2003.
Acknowledgements, Errata and Other Miscellaneous Items
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copy the link text and paste it into the address field of your
internet browser.
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intended for general information purposes only and under no
circumstances can be relied upon for legal decision making without
first consulting with a lawyer and obtaining a written opinion
concerning the specifics of your particular situation. The views
expressed by the contributors to the Various Legal Updates are
those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of Carter & Associates.
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