T H E   2 0 0 3   A N N U A L

Church & the Law


To register, please print and complete this form then return to Carter & Associates either by mail (P.O. Box 440, 211 Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario, L9W 1K4), e-mail (seminars@carters.ca) or fax (519-942-0300) by Tuesday, November 4th. To e-mail, simply copy the required text of the form to your message body and fill in the required fields. For more information, contact Wendy Speziali at 1-877-942-0001 x229 or seminars@carters.ca.

PLEASE do not make inquiries at the Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian Church.

For more information and the list of seminar topics and speakers please refer to the brochure found at www.carters.ca/pub/seminar/chrchlaw/2003/brochure.htm.

Registration fee is $12.00 per person (includes GST).

This nominal fee will help defray the cost of the facilities, handout materials and providing coffee, tea and muffins. Lunch is not included.

I would like to pay by:
[ ] Cheque [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard

Card Number / Expiry

Please Print Name of Cardholder

Signature of Cardholder

Please check here if you intend to purchase a sandwich lunch from the caterers at the Church from our caterer for approximately $6.00. [ ]

I / We will be attending the 2003 Church & the Law™
Seminar on Wednesday, November 12th, 2003, at
the Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian Church
650 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Name of Registrant

Name of Registrant

Name of Registrant




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Phone                                                                                              Fax


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Please indicate if you do not wish to receive future notices.

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