T H E   2 0 0 3   A N N U A L

Church & the Law

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003
Greater Toronto Area


A Practical Seminar Dedicated to
Helping Churches and Religious Charities
Understand and Comply with
Recent Developments in the Law


The 2003 Annual Church & the Law™ Seminar is designed to provide practical information on current legal issues to help churches and religious charities understand changes in the law and avoid unnecessary exposure to legal liability. Although the topics presented are directed at churches and religious charities, many aspects of the presentations will also be of interest to non-religious charities and not-for-profit organizations.

The Church & the Law™ Seminar is presented annually by Carter & Associates, a law firm experienced in advising churches and religious charities, as well as other charities and not-for-profit organizations. The firm will be assisted by a number of dedicated volunteer guest speakers.


The seminar, to be held on Wednesday November 12, 2003, at the Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian Church 650 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, and will begin at 8:45 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. Coffee, tea and muffins will be served at 8:00 a.m., as well as during a mid- morning break.

The registration fee of $12.00 per person has been kept to a minimum and will help underwrite the cost of the facilities, coffee, tea, muffins, and handout materials. Lunch is not included. A sandwich lunch can be purchased from the caterer at the Church for approximately $6.00. All of the presentations will be in "PowerPoint" format and summary handouts will be provided for future reference.

New Directions at CCRA and in the Courts Affecting Churches and Charities
Carl Juneau, LL.L., B.A. - Director, Policy and Communications Division, Charities Directorate, CCRA - Mr. Juneau is currently on loan to the Department of Finance, Personal Income Tax Division, as Senior Policy Advisor in charities matters.

Same Sex Marriages: What Churches and Religious Charities Can Do in Response
Theresa Man, B.Sc., M.Mus., LL.B. - author, speaker and counsel on legal issues involving churches and charities, Carter & Associates
Esther Oh, B.A., LL.B. - speaker and counsel on legal issues involving churches and charities, Carter & Associates

Church Incorporation: Why, How and What's Next
Jacqueline Connor, B.A., LL.B. - Author, author, speaker and counsel on legal issues involving churches and charities, Carter & Associates

Recent Changes Under The Income Tax Act and Related Policies Affecting Churches and Charities
Terrance Carter, B.A., LL.B. - author, speaker and counsel on legal issues involving churches and charities, as well as editor of www.charitylaw.ca, Carter & Associates

Disbursement Quotas for Churches and Charities: What They Are and How To Comply
Elena Hoffstein, B.A., M.A., LL.B. - author, speaker and Chair of the Charities Practice Group, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin, Toronto

Policy Based Board Governance: What Works and What Doesn't
Donald Bourgeois, B.A., LL.B. - author, speaker and counsel on legal issues on charitable and not-for-profit issues, in particular on governance issues, Carter & Associates

Criminal Investigations: When To Initiate and How To Respond
Bruce Long, B.A., LL.B. - author, speaker and litigation counsel for charities, former Regional Director of Crown Attorneys, Carter & Associates
Criminal Code amendments regarding hate propaganda (Bill C-250) will be included.

Privacy Compliance: What Churches and Charities Need to Do by January 1st, 2004
Mark Wong, B.A., LL.B. - author, speaker and litigation counsel on legal issues involving churches and charities, Carter & Associates

The Public Guardian and Trustee in Ontario: How To Avoid Complaints and Court Audits
Kenneth Goodman, B.A., LL.B. - Counsel & Team Leader, Charitable Property Program, The Office of the Public Guardian & Trustee of Ontario, Toronto


To register, please complete the form found at www.carters.ca/pub/seminar/chrchlaw/2003/register.htm and return to Carter & Associates either by mail (P.O. Box 440, 211 Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario, L9W 1K4), e-mail (seminars@carters.ca) or fax (519-942-0300) by Tuesday, November 4th. For more information, contact Wendy Speziali at 1-877-942-0001 x229 or seminars@carters.ca.

PLEASE do not make inquiries at the Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian Church.

Registration fee is $12.00 per person (includes GST).

The Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian Church is
located at 650 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, Ontario